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"Coach Them

Like Our Own"


Over the past 36 years, NATIONAL OFFENSIVE FUNDAMENTAL & TECHNIQUE TEAM FOOTBALL CAMPS have become renowned as the "Premier" TEAM camps in the nation. This credit is partially due to the strength and consistency of the staff that makes up the camps. Equally important is the fact that the men who coach at the camps are outstanding teachers, believe in one another and compliment each other.


The primary approach to our camps is the fundamental improvement of the young men we coach. Our philosophy is and always will be to “Coach Them Like Our Own. This is something that we demand from our coaches on our staff and can be reinforced by anyone who has attended our camps.


We teach the game based on our experience. We are open minded enough to know that there are many ways to approach scheme. Our staff has evolved and been successful in this.


Most of what we do is similar to our teaching progressions in our own programs. One of the most important changes in the game is to be able to teach fundamentals, techniques and scheme while limiting contact. Numbers and safety issues have impacted this in our own programs.


Many of us have prescribed to the NFL model in our approach to how we teach our teams in pre-season and during the year. We have brought this teaching approach to our camps. This has increased our efficiency and effectiveness in teaching the fundamentals of the game.


We know that the head football coaches that bring their teams to the camp want to gain from the experience, but also want to leave the camp with their team healthy. The evolution of the non-padded camp (originally how these camps began) has enhanced this. Some of our “old school” coaches found this hard to adjust to initially. The fundamental skill development has proven our approach to be right.


The foundation of our philosophy is that the game should be taught in a progressive manner. That football is about details. The non-padded approach has enabled young men we teach to slow things down from a fundamental standpoint, to learn to do things the right way. This encompasses alignment, stance, first step efficiency and execution of specific techniques. Through repetition we work to create habit in fundamentals and scheme.


Our coaches have been able to create a unique teaching environment for every position on the field. This progression of teaching enables an athlete to polish the skills essential to being a positive component of a successful team. We will break every skill into its component parts and enable a player to master these skills, through progressive repetition.


Our coaches come from a variety of backgrounds. Many of us were team mates, some of us coached together on the college and high school level. We all share a passion for teaching the game the right way.


Throughout the years, the most consistent comment that we have received has been regarding the quality of our practice time. We have great expectations for improvement and work toward achieving that goal every time we step on the field. Our practices are intense and demanding. All participants will learn to heighten the plan that we feel will satisfy the needs of every player in attendance. Our staff is comprised of men who are some of the best teachers in the country. They will present the fundamentals in such a manner that will enable your players to grow and improve. They will be sensitive to the specific needs of each player and will concentrate on areas that you feel need the most work. You will see that each and every one of the staff members is excited and intense about the way he teaches your players. The players will be consistently challenged and encouraged to work harder then they have ever worked before.


Our Camp Coaches have been consistent in providing the best in instruction for the past 36 years. We have been conscious of changes in specific techniques and have continually adapted our practices to give the most to your players. Part of our approach is, that we have been successful in challenging your players to work to be the best they can be. We feel that the camp experience will be one of great benefit to all who attend. We hope that your player’s experience with us is one which will grow into a long and successful relationship that results in many victories.

Our Camp Staff will get 


better prepared to



One of the main issues facing many of today's Head   High   School   Football  Coaches  is  the 

constant  turnover  of  his  Assistant  Coaches.  

It  is  becoming  increasingly  difficult  to   keep

the   same  staff   members  together  for   any 

extended length of time. This turnover requires a Head Coach to constantly train and retrain new staff members year after year. This obviously places a tremendous burden on a Head Coach, who may already be overtaxed with other responsibilities and details of his position. Attending our camps with your team and staff will allow US to be responsible for getting your staff ready for preseason.


Benefits To You and Your Staff:


  • See every drill used in camp being 

       executed by position.

  • Hear all the coaching points and comments being made to players as 

       they perform the drills. 

  • Ask questions of Camp Coaches as they work through practice. 

  • Camp Staff will present question and answer clinics between practices.

  • We encourage HS Coaches to videotape all practices and clinics, providing a valuable tool for future reference.






This is a unique concept

of this camp's philosophy.


The purpose of the Team Period is to allow coaches who have teams in the camp the flexibility of using this practice time in any way they desire. Coaches can use the period to get additional repetitions with their core offense. During this time, teams may choose to experiment with and practice different offensive styles that will complement their existing offense. This camp staff has experience with all the different styles of offense, not just Wing-T. The camp staff can assist those coaches, who would like to diversify and/or expand their present offensive system, to be able to take advantage of how particular opponents are defending them and giving their traditional offense problems.

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